EP 24 | Baba Boomer Yaga
Kimmy Hammons  •  Aloreing Podcast Episode • 5/25/2022

Hey Campers, this week we will be looking into the folklore of a popular Slavic female icon. Both Kimmy and Ryan will be discussing the legend of the magical Baba Yaga. We will be diving into the possible origins of classic fairy tales like Cinderella, a boomer that avoids property tax, and  the church’s true feelings of an independent woman. We hope you enjoy this week’s episode! And remember campers, if someone is gonna roast you, roast them first and your next rpg character should be Koshchey the Deathless.


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Is there a cryptid or urban legend we should talk about? Send it to us via email at aloreing@gmail.com We are always looking for new episode topics and suggestions.


Now if you have a cryptid or folktale you want us to cover on air, head over to our patreon. All of our patrons get a chance to vote on which topics they would like to hear and the winners will be discussed the following month. Plus, you will be helping support an indie podcast. To vote on what lore and legends we should discuss, simply go to patreon.com/aloreing and become a patreon today.