EP 12 | Don't Be Stingy Jack
Kimmy Hammons  •  Aloreing Podcast Episode • 10/23/2021

Halloween is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than learning about the lore of Jack-o-lanterns while carving your very own! Both Kimmy and Ryan will be discussing the legend of Stingy Jack and why people carve pumpkins for Halloween. And remember, always carry a belt with a minimum of 10 crosses on you and some silver coin to trick the devil. We hope you enjoy this episode of Aloreing and can’t wait to see what you create.


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Research Links

  • http://www.thebittersocialite.com/turnip-jack-o-lanterns/
  • https://unsplash.com/@emilia4505


Is there a cryptid or urban legend we should talk about? Send it to us via email at aloreing@gmail.com We are always looking for new episode topics and suggestions.


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