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Ep 33 | #TeamWerewolves

Hey Campers, with Halloween just around the corner we thought what better way to celebrate than with...

Lost Tapes | Davy Jones, CPA

Hey Campers, we are going to be diving into the legend of Davy Jones with this week's bonus episode!...

Ep 32 | Bloody Mary Rocks Our World

Hey Campers, this week we will be looking into the spook lore of the terrifying Bloody Mary. Both...

EP 31 | The Goatman is Coming

Hey Campers, this week we will be looking into the lore of a goat-man-demon-thing that is known to...

EP 30 | Maui’s Never Gonna Give You Up

Hey Campers, this week we will be looking into the lore of a heroic demigod. Both Kimmy and Ryan...

Tragic Female Ghost Stories & Their History

Ghost stories have been told in different cultures and societies around the world for centuries...

EP 29 | Six-Inch Beast of Busco

Hey Campers, this week we will be looking into the lore of a famous turtle.. I mean a water cryptid...

EP 28 | Majestic Selkies

Hey Campers, this week we will be looking into the lore of some beautiful mermaid seal creatures?...

EP 27 | We’re Storming Loch Ness

Hey Campers, this week we will be looking into the lore of a famous water cryptid from Scotland's...

Support the Network

Aloreing is an independent podcast which means Kimmy and Ryan are doing everything they can to keep the campgrounds organized and functioning properly.

But being independently owned gets difficult at times and any support helps make the campgrounds a bit better and is greatly appreciated by the local cryptids hiding in the forest. 

From writing a positive review on Itunes to donating to us on Patreon or ko-fi, or even becoming a sponsor! Everything helps and we are able to take the donations we receive and work at making the podcast even better. Plus, it will make the jackalopes around the campsite blink for joy!