Aloreing Complete Episode Guide
Welcome to the Aloreing podcast episode guide, here you can get a quick overview of all of our episodes, including illustrations, talking points and how spooky they get!
Our Spooky Scale:
No Spookness:
Tad-bit Spooky :
New episodes released every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month. They will be updated here as quickly as our camp counselor Mothman can get around to it.

Lost Tapes | The Tangy Skunk Ape
Topics: Skunk Ape, Strange Talk Radio

EP 48 | ATTACK! of the Killer Pants
Topics: Fresno Nightcrawlers, Fresno

EP 46 | Southern Cougars of the Ozark
Topics: Frau Perchta, Winter Witch, Krampus

EP 43 | The Veiny Sword of GHille Dhu
Topics: Peterpan, Ghille Dhu, Forest Fae

EP 42 | Confusing Kuchisake-Onna 101
Topics: yokai, japanese folklore, urban legend, slit mouth women

Ep 41 | Changelings and the Forbidden Horchata
Topics: changelings, fae, fairies, babies

EP 39 | Fun Times with Frau Perchta
Topics: Frau Perchta, Winter Witch, Krampus

Lost Tapes | A Yuletide Holiday Special
Topics: 12 Days of Krampus Giveaway, Yule Traditions, Holiday Special, Twas the Night before Krampus

EP 31 | The Goatman is Coming
Topics: Goatman, Goatman of Maryland, Goatman of Ohio

EP 27 | We’re Storming Loch Ness
Topics: Scottish Mythology, Scottland, Nessie, Loch Ness Monster

EP 26 | The Giant Leshy Mushroom
Topics: Leshy, Slavic Mythology, Forest Spirit

Ep 22 | Will-o-the-Wisps & Peg-A’-Lanterns
Topics: Will o the wisp, jack o lanterns, ghost lights

Ep 17 | Battle Ready Baddies
Topics: Valkyrie, Odin, Norse Mythology, Norse Lore, Ravens, Shrek, Sleeping Beauty

Ep 16 | Tim Allen's Santa is Chaotic Evil
Topics: St. Nick, Santa Clause, Christmas, Father Christmas, Coca Cola, Tim Allen, Santa Clause Movie

EP 15 | Krampus is Kind of Thiccc
Topics: Krampus, Santa Clause, December 5th

EP 14 | Find yourself a 40ft Boyfriend
Topics: Siren Head, Slenderman, 2021 Hawaii Alarms
Have you ever wanted a tall, spooky boyfriend? Well, in this episode we discuss a few good candidates such as siren head and slender man. We also discuss the terrifying events of the 2021 Hawaii false missile alarms.

ep 13 | The Government Broke Our Podcast
Topics: Flatwoods Monster, Project bluebook, Space Race

EP 12 | Don't Be Stingy Jack
Topics: Stingy Jack, Halloween, Jack-o-lanterns, will-o-the-wisp

Lost Tapes | Dryads make great pan flutes
Topics: Dryads, Booz & Ghouls

EP 9 | Nixies, Old Ladies, and Frogs, oh my!
Topics: Nixie, Water Nymphys

EP 4 | U.F.o. aka Unidentified Folklore Origins
Topics: Aliens, Grey Aliens, Men in Black
Have you seen something unexplainable? Something that seems impossible or even… alien? Well, you may want to keep it to yourself, lest you receive a visit from the eerie Men in Black. Spotting a silver, flying saucer, donut, or deep dish pizza in the night sky could mean you’ve been chosen as the subject for an alien biology lab! Or maybe you’re just hungry. Maybe both! Either way, watch out for probes.

EP 3 | Mantis Man Forgets his Invisibility Cloak
Topics: Aliens, Manits Man
Some people can be pretty shy, but not many are as shy as The Mantis Man. If you’re ever in the woods and come across a certain man with the head of a mantis, don’t worry too much. Chances are he’s just out to get something from the nearby river for dinner. Don’t be too surprised if he suddenly disappears, though. He does that sometimes

EP 2 | Small but Mighty
Topics: Aliens, Manits Man
If you suddenly find yourself receiving small, but meaningful favors from a mysterious source, you may have befriended a Brownie! However, if you take these little spitfires for granted, they’ll make sure you regret it. Speaking of unexpected gifts, Nordic Gods decided to give some weird maggots the gift of human life, creating Dwarves! Who knew worms were incredible crafters.

Ep 1 | Hide Your Children
Topics: Mamu
A mother’s love can be very strong, but is the love of the Dziwozona, a swamp-dwelling, child-snatching hag, a little TOO strong? If that isn’t enough, apparently there are undead lake children, known as Water Babies, that want to snatch you too. Hope you weren’t planning a boating trip any time soon.